December 11, 2020
Recently I had some down time and added HTTPS support to my blog. I'm currently using bozohttpd from xinetd. It works great for my low traffic blog. Unfortunately bozohttpd lacks real URL rewrite and redirect support.
I spent time looking for a simple tool to do the HTTP to HTTPS redirection, but apparently none exist. I looked up how to do proper 301 redirection is done and realized I could do it from awk. This is made easy since I'm already using xinetd. The redirect tool, i.e. awk, doesn't need to know anything about networking or sockets.
For reference a full exchange of a HTTP request and a redirect would look something like the following.
GET / HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Here is my simple redirect script:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
exec unbuffer -p timeout 10 awk '
host = ""
path = ""
/^GET/ {
path = $2
/^Host:/ {
host = $2
print "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"
print "Location: " "https://" host path
The tricky bits here are:
packagetimeout 10
line. For
non malicious requests this should only occur for HTTP/1.0, which
no reasonable browser should be using.Host
to redirect to the correct domain.Lastly the xinetd configuration sits right next to my bozohttpd (https) configuration.
$ cat /etc/xinetd.d/httpd
service http
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = nobody
server = /home/eric/www/awk_redirect
instances = 300
cps = 100 10
service https
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = nobody
server = /home/eric/bin/bozohttpd
server_args = -v /home/eric/www /home/eric/www -Z /home/eric/www/certbot/etc/live/ /home/eric/www/certbot/etc/live/
instances = 300
cps = 100 10
You can try this now. Here is the non SSL permalink for this post:
For anything other than a low traffic blog... no. But it's simple and works well for my use case.